
Friday, July 26, 2013

Mel & Janice/Conqueror Crossover

I, Stranger Series by Red Hope

What?! A Mel & Janice/Conqueror crossover?! Who came up with this? Why, Red Hope of course. If you’ve ever wondered how the rough and tumble Janice Covington would fair with a sadistic and cruel Xena the Conqueror, here’s your chance to find out. But I guarantee that none of it will turn out the way that you would expect it to. So, hunker down for a few days, and read this series. Although the fourth story in the series isn’t finished it shouldn’t stop you from enjoying yourself.

And if you’re curious about Red Hope’s thoughts on this series check out her session at the Writer’s Studio, here:

Series List: 

Stranger in a Strange Time - 825 pages
Janice Covington is kidnapped and awakens in the Amazon Nation to discover it isn't 1940 anymore nor is history as correct as she thought it. She is in disbelief to find out that Xena is the tyrannical Conqueror and Gabrielle, the rebel leader, has been crucified. Now her only way home is to face the ruthless ruler with no help and simply faith behind her.

A Stranger in my Family - 274 pages
The Conqueror and Queen Gabrielle take their trip to Egypt to meet the powerful Queen Cleopatra. Along the trip across the Mediterranean, Gabrielle learns from the Conqueror that her long lost sister, Lila, is still alive and well, but a slave. Quickly Gabrielle becomes less concerned about her vacation in Egypt and more about rescuing her sister from Gurkhan. And the Conqueror for the fist time realizes she cannot simply take what she wants because so much is at stake. Can the Conqueror and Gabrielle safely rescue Lila, who may not even want to be freed?

A Strange Interlude: I Had a Strange Dream - 31 pages
A brief interlude between A Stranger in my Family and The Stranger of my Heart. Gabrielle spends some quality time with her two favorite nieces. Melpomene plays with Sarah, who goes into meltdown very quickly. Melpomene becomes desperate to calm the baby, and she finds a new toy that Sarah really likes. The Conqueror and Gabrielle though don't find the new toy too fun when they're sent spiraling into another time period.

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